Thursday, July 28, 2005

Nixie: Law School and Hogwarts

Law School and Hogwarts

I just loved this post so much from Nixie, a 1L summer start at Michigan:

As I sit in the reading room at the law school, which is one of the most beautiful library facilities that I've ever seen, I marvel sometimes at how much law school at Michigan reminds me of Hogwarts. The reading room looks a lot like the main dining hall at Hogwarts. We're all a bunch of students taking all of our classes together with our sections focusing on learning something that really does in many ways equate to magic. Law is a field made up of spells, incantations, and other arcane methodologies, where logical reasoning can work illusions, where Latin phrases are bandied around with abandon, and where a sleight of hand, in the professional world, can determine the outcome of a case. Medicine is scientific. Law is magical. And so, when I sometimes feel a little tired or frustrated by my coursework, I just try to think of myself as Hermione and it helps me get rejuvenated.

I hope to look back on this post in the future and see if I have the same fuzzy feelings. This view also helps to explain to me why I didn't go into medicine. The writing and reading and creative analysis, and dare I say, "magic" of law might just be exactly where its at for me. Hmm, possible fodder for my personal statement, no?

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